Discussing The Urgency Of Acting Now On The Recent Uptick In COVID-19 Cases


  • Dr. William Schaffner, medical director of the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases, Pandemic Action Network- Discussing the urgency of acting now on the recent uptick in COVID-19 cases in 12 cities. He talks about the upcoming flu season and why getting a flu vaccine in the fall is more important than ever.
  • Dr. Michael Lomax, President & CEO of the United Negro College Fund- Discusses the nation’s largest private provider of scholarships and other educational support to African American students.  He talks about the history, programs, and scholarships available from the UNCF. 
  • He touches on what’s going on most recently with the police and protests in the African American community. He highlights the UNCF’s 1 billion dollar investment fund announcement and how people can best support the UNCF.  
  • Erich Bergen, actor, singer and activist- Who explores PRIDE, AIDS in the U.S. and virtual walks. Erich Bergen discusses Pride month and talked about current LGBT issues.  

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