Don't Fall For The 'Jayden K Smith' Facebook Hoax

Social Networking Sites May Be Monitored By Security Services

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If one of your Facebook friends has warned you about receiving friend requests from a user named 'Jayden K Smith'--ignore them.

The warning message was as followed:

Please tell all the contacts in your Messenger list, not to accept Jayden K Smith friendship request," the message states. He is a hacker and has the system connected to your Facebook account. If one of your contacts accepts it, you will also be hacked, so make sure that all your friends know it.

The message stated if you accepted a friend request from Smith, he would be able to hack into your account. This hoax message was used in the past and is once again making its rounds on the internet, but there's nothing to worry about. 

In order for someone to actually hack into your account, they would need your password be able to download a virus file onto your user device. Plus, if an account were sending massive amounts of friend requests to unrelated accounts, Facebook would have shut it down quick (via Mirror UK).

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