Why Is Meal-Prepping So Hard??

So, last night, I "meal-prepped" my lunches this week and am EXHAUSTED. Does anyone else go through this?

I'm trying to monitor what I eat more closely, because if I don't, I will eat EVERYTHING. Literally every day is a "cheat day" or cheat moment. So I bought these cute little meal containers from Amazon and made turkey patties, baked sweet potatoes and sauteed green beans. It didn't even take that long- maybe an hour and a half- but at the end I was exhausted! My feet and back hurt, dishes everywhere, etc.. I respect anyone who does this every Sunday, or meal-preps ALL their meals throughout the week...it's hard work! If you have any tips, let me know!

Happy New Year!

-Sandy (@SandyStec on FB, IG and Twitter)

Me, at Badwater Basin (Death Valley) over the New Year!

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